Thursday, July 24, 2008

Xtreme logic models!

During the Thursday session, I mentioned a book by some fo the faculty here at the UTSPH. It's called "Planning HealthPromotion Programs : Intervention Mapping, 2nd Edition" by L. Kay Bartholomew, Guy S. Parcel, Gerjo Kok, and Nell H. Gottlieb. The title of the first edition was just plain "Intervention Mapping".

I'm really simplifying it by calling intervention mapping an "Xtreme logic model". Basically, they describe a systematic approach to intervention mapping using behavioral theories, data, and research to guide the processes. It's an amazing book and well worth the $$ spent on it.

In addition, they've made available an online resource:

Lastly, Dr. Bartholomew offers a short course (face to face) a couple of times each year. I believe the next course is coming up soon!

NEW SHORT COURSE: Intervention Mapping: Developing and evaluating theory- and evidence-based programs for health education and health promotion(August 2008 and April 2009)

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