Sunday, March 2, 2008

TexShare databases for research

Here in Texas, we have one of the most amazing cost-sharing, economy-of-scale programs I have ever seen called TexShare. Every single person in Texas has access to incredibly fine quality online databases through their public library!

I work at a university (one that is part of the University of Texas System, no less!) so we have primo access to online databases and journals. But not everyone has that luxury-- not everyone is part of a mammoth university system. But you do most likely have a public library in your community.

You will need to go to your library (and, again, I'm talking about Texas; I don't know about other states). If you've never visited your library or you're not sure which branch is closest to you, you can find a list of libraries at the TexShare Public Library site:

A list of databases that are part of the 2008 agreement can be found at:

"Only librarians like to search; everyone else likes to find." Roy Tennant [librarian]

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