Friday, March 7, 2008

Post TPHA workshop thoughts

I want to thank the people who attended the TPHA pre-conference workshop. I had fun and I hope you did as well. Not to say I wasn't dog tired afterwards, but I did have fun. I hope you did as well.

There was quite a bit covered in the workshop and we had to rush through some of the tasks. But I hope you look at the handouts as I walk you through the tasks, screen by screen. I have lots of pretty pictures in my handouts!

Lastly, there is a link to Ask a Librarian on the EBPH page that I hope you will use. Ask me questions! I want to know what kind of data you are looking for, what your projects are, and what evidence you need. It will help me prepare for the future (my selfish motive!) plus I want to make certain you have the tools you need at your disposal to be as successful as possible when creating and implementing programs.

I'd also be interested in any successes you might have had as a result of using some of the resources we covered in the workshop. Did your program get funded? Were you able to come up with new community partners? What have you learned about one of your communities using the Census that maybe surprised you and resulted in some changes in your programs? I'd love to know and, if you don't mind, share with others.

Happy Friday!

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